blendsnap App
1. Video to Frame deconstruction
2. Segmentation Analysis on Frame
3. Reconstruction back to Video

Phoenix Socket Agar clone
Graft of Codingtrains javascript agar game plugged into a phoenix backend via websocket

Mosaic Image Mixer in golang
Input images are sliced up into smaller tiles.
Each tile has its average RGB value matched with a database of pre-sliced tiles from other images
Each tile is then replaced with its match, and the resulting output is a mosaic like imitation of the input.

Multi-user listening enthusiasm graph
App contains a collection of listening rooms, each one plugging into a recording on Users can join the room and allow the room master to control the song's playback. During listening, users can communicate whether certain sections interest them or not.

brown flasky
Flask app running some apis to serve NLTK data of shakespeare and brown corpus texts.
Two sections:
- [Mithriljs] a virtual writing coach to help you finish your sentences using shakespeare play quotes.
- random selections from the brown corpus to simulate a dialogue between two characters

Keras OCR playground
Django app hooked into a keras MNIST OCR model trained on 20 iterations. Attempts to classify Sketch.js numbers drawn by user. Optionally, can call Google Custom Image Search and attempt classification against results.
Unity 2.5d platformer
Exploration game w/ multi jump (Space), and run (Shift)
Full Playtime: ~ 3 mins. Inspired by Journey & Braid.